The Obstinate Cat

Ragtag Daily Prompt Thursday: Abstract in Black and White

                           ( sort of )

Artist: Wassily Kandinsky

If I wanted to tell the story

about the world as it is in this moment

compared to the one I came from

and the one I am going to end up living in

a year or so from now,

I think I  would tell it in fragments

a smile here

a betrayal there

a nightmare that stayed with me long after I woke up and started my day.


Bad jokes, kind gestures, Mozart, Robert Johnson and Abba made my house a home

 walking my dog up hills, why are there so many half eaten hamburgers at the side of the road?


It’s not hard to be polite in line if you have to stand

six feet away from someone

now we can smirk or grimace because nobody can see the

lower half of your face or hear what you say under your breath.


Life was a completed puzzle that the obstinate cats of the world

shoved off the table

piece by piece

to the floor

but not before they ate that one piece that goes in the middle

that one piece that made it all make sense

That’s the story I would tell.

::: Below are some portraits by Wassily Kandinsky that I spent some time looking at before I wrote today’s piece:::

Artist: Wassily Kandinsky

Artist: Wassily Kandinsky

Artist: Wassily Kandinsky

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