His Name Was Wolfgang

Fandango’s Dog Days of August #6: Pets

The term ‘soulmate’ is grossly over used.

People use it to describe someone they feel ‘bound to’, ‘fated to be with’ and when I hear it song, poems or on TV I smell patchouli and I hear strains of ” Nights In White Satin” (VOMIT VOMIT VOMIT )

However, I don’t find the concept improbable.

My soulmate was my cat Wolfgang.

He took care of me when I was sick, he attacked people who made me angry ( and I mean, if he had been a dog…the outcome would have been horrific for all involved ) and he got into some heated battles with dogs and won. He was always by my side or nearby and he taught my dogs to be cats.

We watched a meteor shower together and we even saw a ghost once- really. Sometimes when I was sleeping I’d wake up and he’d be sitting on my chest, staring down into my face because he was either soaking wet and wanted me to dry him off or he had an abscess that had popped and we wanted me to clean the gunk off.

His best friend ( besides me ) was a Racoon.

Wolfie and the Racoon used to eat together on the porch and then toddle off into the woods to do whatever a racoons and cats do when they disappear into the darkness together.

So why do I think he was my Soulmate?

Well, when he died at almost 18 years of age…part of me did too, I felt it.

That’s how I know.

His name was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and if there is an after life, I hope his is the first face I see when I get there.


Wolfgang- about 8 weeks old. Photo by A.M. Moscoso
Wolfie- the size of a Big Gulp. He grew up to be a BIG cat and weighed a healthy 18 Pounds- not fat, all muscle. He was something else.
Wolfie-Photo A.M. Mosocoso


8 thoughts on “His Name Was Wolfgang

  1. We have a 14 1/2 year old dog and a 13 year old cat. Our dog is fading fast and we will be heartbroken when she leaves us, most likely before the end of this year. But I’m hoping our black cat, who adopted us when he was about a year old by coming up to us on our porch and never leaving, will be with us for another four or five years.

  2. I went through a similar experience. I can’t type his name. My cat lived for 16.5 years. He was 18 pounds most of his life too. He was everything. I loved him more than everyone else, made sure everyone else knew that, and I still do. I know I always will. He was with me from age 13 to 29.

    I think what’s so heartbreaking about our beloved pets is that we see them from a baby to an old man. How can your baby be an old man? It makes no sense. But there it is and it hurts so much.

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