Last Saturday

FOWC with Fandango — Hysterical

Photo by Gabby K on

On Saturday Morning I was in bed  watching the news when I learned that candidate Joe Biden was now  President Elect  Joe Biden.

The first thing I did was run out to the living room and turn the living room tv on -just in case the news was different from the one on the bedroom tv- you know, in case Twitler was winning on one channel and Biden on another.

I know that as a ‘libtard’ and a woman whose Mother is from one of those” Sh*& Hole Countries ” as designated by the soon to be former President of the U.S.  I am aware some people might expect that brainless  reaction, so I thought I’d throw that line in there.

All kidding aside, I wanted to see what MSNBC and CNN and the local news stations were reporting.

I checked off my list and figured that a bunch of eyes and brains had done the math and we had us a WINNER.

I sort of skated across the floor to my stereo to chose some music to play- what would it be?

Glen Miller? Brian Setzer? The Ramones? Come on Anita Marie. CHOOSE!

So I did.

I chose my favorite Christmas cd by St Martins.


Because when the clouds broke and I felt a real glimmer of hope wing back into my life  after four years of living in Trumphumperstan  my first reaction was to play Christmas music.

Hysterical as my reaction was.

It seemed like the right thing to do.

Later that evening me and the Green Fairy had a chat about my day and a good time was had by all.




2 thoughts on “Last Saturday

  1. I get it. What a pleasant post.

    I had largely decided to put it all out of my head for the day (Saturday). But then I wondered what was going on, then thought to push it aside again… but prayed for Biden (Biden-Harris) to do well in office… at the time it turned out the call was being confirmed. Then someone told me. So, of course, it wasn’t out of my head, then. And I went and turned on the news.

    Your response to the news sounds like a lovely day.

    • It was a fun day! I remember when President Obama won, he said something along the lines to have fun tonight because we go to work tomorrow. Good advice is good advice!

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