It’s National Pumpkin Day!

Today is National Pumpkin Day and in case you didn’t realize it, I’m really into Halloween so today is pretty special to me.

So let’s talk Pumpkins!

First off, on this special day I want to take the time to celebrate Maverick.

Maverick is a 2,560 pumpkin from Minnesota grown by Travis Gienger, a horticulture teacher.Mr. Gienger drove Maverick all the way to San Franciso, California and in a field of giant pumpkins, Maverick bested them all.

Next up- meet my warty Pumpkin.

He was pretty special- this photo is from Halloween of  2012, and  at that time Warty Pumpkins weren’t a thing. So in addition to being pretty unique, I didn’t have to carve him because he was perfect the way he was:

Photo A.M. Moscoso

Photo A.M. Moscoso

To wind things up here I went in search of a picture of the ” Weirdest  Halloween Pumpkin 2021″ and I was both amused and entertained. And just when I had found what I thought was a truly strange and weird pumpkin I saw this and it became my favorite.

It became my favorite because of the dog’s reaction to the pumpkin:

Carving by Deane Arnold

So I hope you are enjoying National Pumpkin day  ( more then that dog did anyway) , it only comes once a year you know!



Every Halloween

Inspired By ” The Writer’s 10 Halloween Writing Prompt- Tunnel Vision


We all have little rituals.

Some of us buy fancy expensive underwear and chocolates  to hand out for Valentines Day.  Some of us eat Waffles on Sunday.  Some of us get tattoos every time we pop out another child.

My ritual is a special one and I look forward to performing  it every Halloween.

On Halloween I kill you,  sometimes I do it  more then once because, darn it-it feels good.

I guess this is the part where I mention that you turn up in various stages of decay in the stories I write- sometimes you are already dead and the part you get is that of a rotting corpse. Other times you get done in by a Devil or a psychopath.

Once I baked you in a pie.

It was yummy, I mean the story was yummy. It was funny too. And well written, if that counts for anything.

For the curious, you worked your way into this special ritual because when I told you my nephew had died from a terminal illness- that you knew about because I told you about it when we learned seven years before that at the age of 14 he would probably be dead by the time he was in his early 20’s,

you sent me this message

That was all you said about my nephew’s death.  I wouldn’t have wished his death on anyone, not even you. But to be honest sometimes I do.  Yeah.  Honestly. Sometimes I do.

So let me take away the  mystery, let me erase any doubts, let me make myself perfectly clear. In  August when I start setting up my blog for Halloween and the body count racks up around here, I just want you to know, so that there is no question about it  that in that pile of ink stained corpses is you.

For the record, I toss in a few more people into that pile- people who betrayed my trust, were mean to my dogs, you know who you are ( wink wink ). But you my dear and special friend  I kill you every Halloween, sometimes more then once because-

unlike you my Soul might be dark but it is not empty.