
RDP Tuesday:  not a cat but a textbook.
After the last of my cats passed away a few years ago, I was thinking that maybe I should adopt a cat for me and Hamish.
Hamish had never been alone since I had brought him home as a puppy and I wasn’t sure how he would handle it. It turns out he had issues.
When I came home from work I found blankets  from my bed piled in front of the living room door- he also piled the blankets his cat brothers had used in the same spot. He had a hard time sleeping at night.
At about the time my cats would get up in the middle of the night Hamish would get up and look for them.
Then he would come back to bed and sit near the door and cry a little.
Hamish was experiencing textbook grief, wasn’t he? Anyway, that’s how I handled it.

Hamish, Micey and Darwin
Photo A.M. Moscoso

A.M. Moscoso

A.M. Moscoso

The thing of it is, I never went out and ‘got a cat’.

They always found their way to me and that must have been the way to do it because my cats all lived to be nearly 20 years old.

I think we were meant to be together.

So as of the moment, me and Hamish don’t have felines in our family and as hard as it is to live that way there’s something in me that says that’s ok.

For now.

Evergreen Washelli- Seattle, Washington Photo A.M. Moscoso


Daily Prompt: What brings you peace?

Artist Unknown

I have never been at peace in my entire life.

I dream about it,I long for it but I have never known it

and do you know what?

I don’t think I really care.

I just want to make it through the day in one piece and I want to wake up that way


in the storm that is my life

it’s all I dare to ask for.