I So Do Solemnly Swear

I know that making New Years Resolutions isn’t a thing – but I like to make them because sometimes I surprise myself and I pull a few of them off.

I like to do the Goodreads challenge and the first year I took it I put down my goal as a hundred books. I came close but didn’t make it. So the next year I put down my goal as 105 and each year I miss it I add on five more.

My goal this year will be 120.

So why  do I this? To torture myself?

Oh pshaw, if I want to do that I find  more creative ways to do it then to make a list and cross stuff off.

Nope, I do New Years Resolutions and things like the Goodreads challenge for the thrill of the chase.

So. I will be posting my New Years Goals soon- grab a comfy seat and your favorite beverage and snack. This should be good.
